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A random collection of back-of-the-envelope calculations, short stories, half-baked theories, bad poems, and more. 
Many of these relate to the idea of normalcy what it entails and what it does not.
We are fortunate to live in a time where right and wrong, traditions, and norms are being renegotiated.
Yet, only through exploring what is normal can we see the depth of the clash and be earnest with our hopes.

Not Normal: Text

Indigenous European Music:

It annoys me that we call Indigenous music the one made during colonial times outside of Europe and classical the one composed inside.

One Household One Vote

Everyone should be able to vote in an election. Be them war retirees, migrant workers, or newborn babies. Voting makes society humane.

Reviewer Compersion

Compersion means experiencing joy in the joy of others. I feel it today as I read the (hopefully) 1st paper to be accepted that I reviewed.

An Awkward Truth

This is what happens when you use your brain to think about statistics in the wrong way. I wish I could stop this thought from recurring.

Doctors Without eMails: A German Paradox

Doctors are objectively smart. But in Germany their offices often have fax numbers and no eMails. This paradox is a very strange one to me.

On Serendipity and Joy

Joy happens at random intervals. But one can design life to maximize the number of joy events per unit of time, i.e. its cross-section.

Hurt People Hurt People

I find it very convenient how when conflict happens in the Middle East we forget that the conflict was started by actions Europe made.

My Least Threatening Look

Men are threatening. But, I own a piece of fabric that, at one time, helped the world forget my innate threat.

LLMs: Demented Savants

I feel I empathize with my LLM assistants more than I do with anyone outside my home. I am a bit puzzled by this, both ashamed and curious

Grand Opportunities Not Challenges

What if we think about what is possible and not what the problems are? In an era of boiling water superconductors how will our lives change?

On Dostoevsky, Ariely, and Gino

Reductionism is central to science, fake data directly threatens this foundation as it pollutes our minds with spurious information

Waiting for Popo

I am currently a toilet, a job that fills my life with purpose, has some shitty work conditions but at least let me wait and reflect on life

The Great Machista Extinction Event

"Are you a feminist?" if the person you are dating does not answer "Yes 100%", please RUN. Help us build a better world who you date matters

Non-Newtonian Routine Dynamics

Routines encompass how organizations change. Somehow, our ontologies fail to acknowledge how diverse their shear change can be.

The Big Ambivalence

Ambivalence is strange. A pull that pushes and breaks. A feeling of possibility and joy with anger and trauma. Useful, purposeful, enraged.

Not Normal: Blog2
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