Once upon a time the universe banged
Big boom bang did everything everywhere all at once
Quarks and photons banged all around
Gluons did their best but the center broke
Once upon a time the universe banged
Big boo hoo Yaa yey aua belled my baby at once
Flesh blood pain banged all around
A body did its best but it just as well broke
Once upon a time the universe lacked meaning
Nothing ever mattered the universe was all calm
A time forever ago so singular in space and time it lacks a place in history
A time so devoid of value that no one ever cares about
Once upon a time my life lacked meaning
I collected titles and shining prizes but all for nought
A time a life time ago that ended just last week and lacks a place in my personal history
A time so meaningless I was just a husband and not a dad
Black, white, red, loud were the first colors and sounds
Joy, fear, exhaustion, confusion, my first feelings as a dad
Blue brown with a metallic smell and lungs that brought down the gods
My daughter came to my life as something broke
Black, uv, x, and gamma, loud as nothing ever again we're the first colors and sounds
Potential, possibility, and hope the first feelings of the God who made us
Blue, brown, and with a salty smell and winds that brought life to our world
Life came to our world as God finished its work
Purpose, anger, rage, retribution.
Hatred, love, beauty, excrement
How joyous and toxic was the big ambivalence
How imbalanced our past
As history cools down and world settles into place a purpose come
A purpose filled with curiosity and the strength of eons before
A purpose to care for my daughter my family and the world
No one, nowhere, ever again ought to go through this
Everyone always and forever should feel this joy
Hello, little enemy.
See you in court.
Hello, little darling.
See you always in my heart and at my side.